Wednesday, March 4, 2009

APA VI on its 7th Phase

APA VI on its 7th Phase

    After the Archdiocesan Vision-Mission Statement was officially declared in May 2008, APA VI Process has now reached its Implementation Phase.  This phase, according to the APA VI Coordinator, Rev. Fr. Mario Combong, DCC, is a challenging phase because "we are now appropriating in every parish what has transpired during the Archdiocesan Pastoral Assembly VI."
    It must be recalled that the Archdiocesan Pastoral Assembly VI, held at the OND Convention Center, Tamontaka, Shariff Kabunsuan, last May 27 – 28, 2008, also selected Diocesan Priorities for the year 2008 – 2009 which included Faith Formation for all the faithful and Lay Leaders' Formation.  Accordingly, these diocesan priorities should be set as the primary priorities in all parishes including the different Lay Organizations, Movements and Associations (LOMAs) as these two priorities are hoped to lead all the faithful to active Basic Ecclesial Community (BEC) participation. 
    The next targets of APA VI are the parishes of the Archdiocese. This phase will be the ratification of each Parish Identity Statement and the formulation of their respective Parish Priorities that must be in consonance with the Diocesan Priorities.  Action Plans will then be created to properly implement the Vision-Mission of the Archdiocese in the parish level. 
    At present Pilot Parishes were already selected and their BECs serve as vehicles for APA VI implementation.  According to the APA VI Team, "choosing 'Pilot Parishes' is a necessary step to reach the BECs."  Organizing the BECs should be a real priority as they will be the primordial agents in concretizing the Diocesan Priorities.  To make the BEC Organizing effective, two initial seminars were already conducted by the Bukal ng Tipan Team in October 2008.  The purpose of these seminars was to equip the Organizing Teams and the Formation Teams in all BECs of the Pilot Parishes of Pigcawayan, Broce, Isulan and Esperanza with skills to effectively organize and sustain the BECs.


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